- C/C++ Programming Lab
- UNIX and SHELL Programming Lab
- Digital Electronics Lab
- JAVA Programming Lab
- Data Structure Lab
- Microprocessor Lab
- DBMS Lab
- Graphics Lab
- Alogorithms Lab
- Visual Programming Lab
- Compiler Design Lab
- Operating System Lab
- Networking Lab
- Artificial Intelligence Lab
- LINUX Administration Lab
- Web Technology Lab
- Projects Lab
The lab is installed with all important editors like CodeBlock, Dev C++ provides a dual operating system environment where the students can learn to execute C and C++ programs in all types of environments.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
1 | DOS Commands | Practice of internal DOS commands |
Practice of external DOS commands | ||
2 | Simple Arithmetic operations using various data types | Write a program (WAP) in C to convert a temperature (entered from the keyboard) from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa. |
WAP in C to swap any two numbers entered from the keyboard (with and without using third variable) | ||
3 | Operator | WAP in C using conditional operator to determine whether an entered year is leap year or not. |
4 | Decision Control Statement | WAP in C to enter the marks of any five subjects of a student and print the division secured by the students using if-else statement. |
WAP in C to print corresponding days of a week using switch case statement. | ||
5 | Loop Control Statement | WAP in C to convert a decimal number to binary number and vice versa using while loop. |
WAP in C to print the factorial of a number entered from the keyboard using do-while loop. | ||
WAP in C to find out whether an entered number is prime or not using for loop. | ||
6 | Pointer | WAP in C to swap any two numbers using pointers. |
7 | Function | WAP in C to print Fibonacci series using function. |
8 | Recursion | WAP in C to print factorial of a number using recursion. |
9 | Array (1-D) | WAP in C to find greatest & smallest number from an array of five integers. |
WAP in C to print the sum of elements available in an array of five floats. | ||
WAP in C to copy all the elements from one array to another in reverse order. | ||
10 | Array (2-D) | WAP in C to print the addition & subtraction of the elements of any two matrices. |
11 | String | WAP in C to use string functions like strlen, strcpy, strcat, etc. |
WAP in C to check whether an entered string is palindrome or not using string functions. | ||
12 | Structure | WAP in C to enter the title, page and price of any three books using array of structures then print the details of the books. |
13 | Enumeration | WAP in C to print corresponding month of an entered year using enumeration. |
14 | File Handling | WAP in C to print total number of characters, number of spaces, number of tabs and number of new lines written in a text file “A.TXT” |
WAP in C to copy the contents a file “A.TXT” to another file “B.TXT” | ||
WAP in C to modify a particular word written at nth Position in a file using fseek function. |
Day by day Linux is becoming popular and useful for professionals. This characteristic has enticed us to set up Computer Science & Engineering Lab or Unix lab.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- VI Editor
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: UBUNTU 15.04, Red Hat
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Use Vi editor to create a file called myfile.txt which contain some text. Correct typing errors during creation, Save the file & Logout of the file
- Open the file created in Exp 1, Add, Change, delete & Save the changes
- Use the cat command to create a file containing the following data. Call it mutable use tabs to separate the fields 1425 ravi 15.65, 4320 ramu 26.27, 6830 sita 36.15, 1450 raju 21.86
- Use the cat command to display the file, my table, use vi command to correct any errors in the file, my table, use the sort command to sort the file my table according to the first field. Call the sorted file my table(same name) & print the file my table
- Use the cut & paste commands to swap fields 2 and 3 my table. Call it mytable(same name) & print the new file, my table
- Use the date and who commands in sequence ?(in one line) such that the output of date will display on the screen and the output of who will be redirected to a file called my file2.Use the more command to check the contents of myfile2.
- Develop an interactive grep script that asks for a word and a file name and then tells how many lines contain that word
- Write A shell script that takes a command –line argument and reports on whether it is directry ,a file,or something else
- Write a shell script that accepts one or more file name as a arguments and converts all of them to uppercase,provided they exits in the current directory
- Write a shell script that determines the period for which a specified user is working on the system
Among thousands of modern high level programming languages, the classics are not yet forgotten. This laboratory program initiates the very foundation of the programming skills for the students from every engineering stream. Students get accustomed in developing a program using different system environments. It is noteworthy that this very basic knowledge is required even at the end of their course where they appear for technical interviews in placement drives.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Bread-board implementation of various flip-flops.
- Bread-board implementation of counters & shift registers.
- Determination of Delay time and NAND, NOR, Ex-OR, AND & OR Gates.
- Bread Board Implementation of Flip-Flops.
- Experiments with clocked Flip-Flop.
- Design of Counters.
- Bread Board implementation of counters & shift registers.
- Implementation of Arithmetic algorithms.
- Bread Board implementation of Adder/Subtractor (Half, Full)
- Transfer characteristics of TTL inverters & TTL Schmitt Trigger inverter. 11. Transfer characteristics of CMOS inverters series and CD40 series and
- estimation of Gate delay of CD40 series CMOS inverter.
- Monoshot multivibrators using 74121 and 74123.
- Clock circuit realization using 555 and CMOS inverter and quartz crystal.
- Adder/ subtractor operation using IC7483 4 bit/ 8 bit.
- Demultiplexer / Decoder operation using IC-74138.
The lab is installed with all software and IDE like JAVA, ECLIPSE, Dev C++ provides a dual operating system environment where the students can learn to execute JAV and C++ programs in all types of environments.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Eclipse IDE
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 24 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- To become familiar with classes that represent entities that can interact with the user.
- To successfully write simple programs that involve if statements.
- To gain practice in the use of Boolean operators like && and ||.
- To construct a class that represents a simple ATM (automatic teller machine).
- Write a new program called that will request that the user enter an integer and then will display the message .positive,. .negative,. or zero. if the value that was entered was greater than zero, less than zero, or equal to zero, respectively.
- Write a simple program called that will request N, the number of values desired, and then generate a list of N random double values. Use a ViewFrame for input and output.
- Write the program for Java Applets.
- Use Java Servlets for the proxy server.
This laboratory has the state-of-the-art infrastructure for implementing Data Structure using C. This is a very important topic for students of computer science as it trains them how to use C programming skills for complex problems of handling the data. An in-depth training curriculum is maintained for skill development.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Program for Stack
- Program Queue, Circular Queue
- Program demonstrating Stack operation
- Program for Stack Using Linked List
- Program for Queue Using Linked List
- Traversing of Tree Using Linked List
- Queue Using Array
- Program for Tree Structure, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree
- Program for Heap Sort
- Program for Quick Sort
- Graph Implementation BFS,DFS
- Deletion in BST
- Insertion in BST
To understand the internal organization of INTEL 8085, 8086 Microprocessors and Assembly Language Programs using the instruction sets of both processors and to study the interfacing of the processor with various peripheral devices.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Macro Assembler
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- To study 8085 microprocessor System
- To study 8086 microprocessor System
- To develop and run a programme to find out largest and smallest number
- To develop and run a programme for converting temperature from F to C degree
- To develop and run a programme to compute square root of a given number
- To develop and run a programme for computing ascending/descending order of a number.
- To perform interfacing of RAM chip to 8085/8086
- To perform interfacing of keyboard controller
- To perform interfacing of DMA controller
- To perform interfacing of UART/USART
The Lab is dedicated for Database related practicals. High configuration computer systems installed with softwares like Oracle Server, MySQL are used by the students to execute their Database related projects and assignments.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- ORACLE 11 g
- My SQL
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Write the queries for Data Definition and Data Manipulation Language.
- Write SQL queries using logical operations (=,<,>,etc)
- Write SQL queries using SQL operators
- Write SQL query using character, number, date and group functions
- Write SQL queries for relational algebra
- Write SQL queries for extracting data from more than one table
- Write SQL queries for sub queries, nested queries
- Write programme by the use of PL/SQL
- Create FORMS and REPORTS
The lab is equipped with software like C/C++, Blender, 3D Studio Max, Maya, Picasa and Adobe of latest versions. In advance computer graphics fractal theory and curve analysis kind of studies are performed.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Blender
- Adobe
- Maya
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Implementation of line generation using slope’s method, DDA and Bresenham’s algorithms.
- Implementation of circle generation using Mid-point method and Bresenham’s algorithm.
- Implementation of ellipse generation using Mid-point method.
- Implementation of polygon filling using Flood-fill, Boundary-fill and Scan-line algorithms.
- Implementation of 2D transformation: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Mirror Reflection and Shearing (write a menu driven program).
- Implementation of Line Clipping using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm and Bisection Method.
- Implementation of Polygon Clipping using Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm.
- Implementation of 3D geometric transformations: Translation, Scalind and rotation.
- Implementation of Curve generation using Interpolation methods.
- Implementation of Curve generation using B-spline and Bezier curves.
- Implementation of any one of Back face removal algorithms such as Depth-Buffer algorithm, Painter’s algorithm, Warnock’s algorithm, Scanline algorithm).
The lab provides the requisite environment for Design and Analysis of Algorithms for solving complex problems in the field of computer science. Students execute all data structure and other algorithm related practicals in the lab. The latest platforms/compilers are provided to the students to run their programs.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Divide and conquer method (quick sort, merge sort, Strassen’s matrix multiplication)
- Greedy method (knapsack problem, job sequencing, optimal merge patterns, minimal spanning trees).
- Dynamic programming (multistage graphs, OBST, 0/1 knapsack, traveling salesperson problem).
- Backtracking (n-queens problem, graph coloring problem, Hamiltonian cycles).
- Sorting: Insertion sort, Heap sort, Bubble sort
- Searching: Sequential and Binary Search
- Selection: Minimum/ Maximum, Kth smallest element
This value is inculcated in every student of software engineering course. Visual Programming Lab has been set up for providing speed to the development process. Sophisticated software applications have been developed at developers lab to meet the corporate demands.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Visual Studio
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Working with call backs and delegates in C#
- Code access security with C#.
- Creating a COM+ component with C#.
- Creating a Windows Service with C#
- Interacting with a Windows Service with C#
- Using Reflection in C#
- Sending Mail and SMTP Mail and C#
- Perform String Manipulation with the String Builder and String Classes and C#
- Using the System .Net Web Client to Retrieve or Upload Data with C#
- Reading and Writing XML Documents with the XML Text-Reader/-Writer Class and C#
- Working with Page and forms using ASP .Net.
- Data Sources access through ADO.Net, Working with Data readers , Transactions
The lab is installed with all important editors like CodeBlock, Dev C++ and Lex,Flex,Yacc provides a dual operating system environment where the students can learn to execute the different compiler environment.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Lex
- Yacc
- JFlex
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Simulation of a Finite state Automata to recognize the tokens of various control statements.
- Simulation of a Finite state machine to distinguish among Integers, Real Numbers & Numbers with Exponents.
- Program in LEX tool to recognize the tokens and to return the token found for a C like Language
- Parsing of arithmetic and algebraic expressions and equations.
- Use of YACC tool to parse the statements of C like Language.
This lab includes Operating System, Unix Programming, and System and Unix Programming Lab
The objectives of this lab is :
– To familiarize students with the architecture of Unix OS.
– To provide necessary skills for developing and debugging programs in UNIX environment.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Simulation of the CPU scheduling algorithms a) Round Robin b) SJF c) FCFS d) Priority
- Simulation of MUTEX and SEMAPHORES.
- Simulation of Bankers Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention algorithms.
- Implementation of Process Synchronization (Reader-Writer, Sleeping Barber and Dining Philosopher’s Problem)
- Simulation of page Replacement Algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU
- Simulation of paging techniques of memory management.
- Simulation of file allocation Strategies a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked
- Simulation of file organization techniques a) Single Level Directory b) Two Level c) Hierarchical d) DAG
The lab is well equipped with all routers, switches, protocols and other devices for hands-on practice of networking related projects and programmes using TCP and UDP sockets. The lab is used for experimenting with the objectives of creating a socket in the client to server, client-server application for chat using TCP, implementing TCP/IP echo etc.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
- Cisco Simulators
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04, REDHAT
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Cisco Switch
- Cisco Routers
- DLink Wifi Routers
- Implementation of the Data Link Layer framing method such as character stuffing and bit stuffing.
- Implementation of CRC algorithm.
- Implementation of a Hamming (7,4) code to limit the nois e. We have to code the 4 bit data in to 7 bit data by adding 3 parity bits.
- Implementation of LZW compression algorithm.
- Write a socket program to implement a listener and a talker.
- Simulation of a network of 3 nodes and measure the performance on the same network.
- Write a program to encrypt 64-bit text using DES algorithm.
- Simulation of various networks
- Hand on with Various Networking Devices
To enlighten the students with knowledge base in Artificial Intelligence, their designs & its application in Problem solving using advance tools and Techniques. Students are offered access to both offline and online services.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Scilib
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Write a LISP Program to solve the water-jug problem using the heuristic function.
- Create a compound object using Turbo Prolog.
- Write a Prolog Program to show the advantage and disadvantage of green and red cuts.
- Write a prolog program to use of BEST-FIRST SEARCH applied to the eight puzzle problem.
- Implementation of the problem-solving strategies: Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, Problem Reduction.
- Write a Lisp Program to implement the STEEPEST-ASCENT HILL CLIMBING.
- Write a Prolog Program to implement COUNTY PROPAGATION NETWORK.
The students receive hands-on practical experience in the field of System Administration, System Engineering, Hacking, and Security. Red Hat Linux Administration is the key practice in this lab.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04,RED-HAT
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Installation of the operating system (Window 7 and LINUX)
- Installation of office productivity software (MS Office/ Open Office)
- User Management
- Security Management
- Startup & Shutdown scripts
- Network planning – subnet creation
- Firewall configuration
- Basic properties of Windows Registry
- Study of Important Windows Services
- Study of Important LINUX Services
To give hands on experience to students, different editors like NotePad++, Dreamweaver are used with Firefox, Internet Explorer and Mozilla etc. students work for building online projects like banking application, hospital management, On-line ticket booking applications etc.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Ruby
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
The lab includes 35 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS
- Installation and configuration of Apache server
- Development of static website of an online Departmental The website should be user friendly and should have the following pages:
- Home page
- Registration and user login
- User profile page
- Items catalog
- Shopping cart
- Payment by credit card
- Order confirmation
- Add validations to the above site for registration, user login, user profile and payment by credit card using Java Script.
- Installation and configuration of TOMCAT web server. Convert the static web pages of assignments 2 into dynamic web pages using servlets and cookies.
- Creation of a XML document of 20 students of UKTech. Add their roll numbers, marks obtained in 5 subjects, total and percentage and save this XML document at the server. Write a program that takes students’ roll number as an input and returns the students marks, total and percentage by taking the students’ information from the XML document.
- Design a website using existing web services (Google map, weather forecast, market information etc.) using AJAX.
The lab is dedicated for the students to develop their Minor and Major projects. All project related software is installed in this lab to fulfill the requirements of development.
List of Softwares and Hardware
- Turbo C/C++
- Dev C
- Visual Studio Code
- Andriod IDE
The lab includes 25 systems with following configurations:
- Operating System: Windows 10, UBUNTU 15.04
- Processor: Intel Core i5
- RAM: 4GB
- HDD: 500 GB
- Display: 19″ TFT
- Powe Back Up: 15KVA Online UPS