Applied Sciences & Humanities
- About Department
- Courses
- Labs
- HOD & Faculty
- Syllabus
The Role of Applied Science and Humanity Department in Modern engineering education is just as “a strong foundation is needed for a strong building”. The department offers core course in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English and Humanity (Management, Engineering Economics, Organizational Behavior and Personnel Management) to impart basic as well as advance input among the B.Tech students. Mathematics being the fundamental of all engineering is given special attention. Where the humanity section caters to their needs in the areas of English, economics, technical communication, technical report writing, industrial organization and managerial economics. The future technocrats are like climate change, increasing industrialization, globalization are discussed through classes & field work.
The department provides a well-equipped laboratories to students in the field of Physics, Chemistry and Language lab for their practical training and skill development.
Subject Code | Subject | Semester | Year |
AHT-001 | Engineering Physics | 1st | 1st |
AHT-002 | Engineering Chemistry | 1st | 1st |
AHT-003 | Introduction to Engineering Mathematics | 1st | 1st |
EET-001 | Basic Electrical Engineering | 1st | 1st |
ECT-001 | Basic Electronics Engineering | 1st | 1st |
CST-001 | Programming for Problem Solving | 1st | 1st |
Lab | |||
MET-001 | Basic Mechanical Engineering | 1st | 1st |
AHP-001 | Engineering Physics Lab | 1st | 1st |
AHP-002 | Engineering Chemistry Lab | 1st | 1st |
EEP-001 | Basic Electrical Engineering Lab | 1st | 1st |
ECP-001 | Basic Electronics Lab | 1st | 1st |
CSP-001 | Programming for Problem Solving Lab | 1st | 1st |
MEP-001 | Basic Mechanical Engineering Lab | 1st | 1st |
MEP-002 | Engineering Graphics & Design Lab | 1st | 1st |
MEP-003 | Workshop Practices Lab | 1st | 1st |
AHP-003 | Introduction to Digital Marketing | 1st | 1st |
AHP-004 | Emerging Technologies in Engineering | 1st | 1st |
AHP-005 | Self Employment and Entrepreneurship Development | 1st | 1st |
CSP-002 | Computer Applications and IOT | 1st | 1st |
AHT-004 | Environmental Studies | 1st | 1st |
AHP-006 | English Language Lab | 1st | 1st |
Subject code | Subject | Semester | Year |
AHT- 002 | Engineering Chemistry | 2nd | 1st |
AHT- 001 | Engineering Physics | 2nd | 1st |
AHT- 005 | Analytical Mathematics | 2nd | 1st |
ECT- 001 | Basic Electronics Engineering | 2nd | 1st |
EET-001 | Basic Electrical Engineering | 2nd | 1st |
MET- 001 | Basic Mechanical Engineering | 2nd | 1st |
CST-001 | Programming for Problem Solving | 2nd | 1st |
Lab | |||
AHP- 002 | Engineering Chemistry Lab | 2nd | 1st |
AHP-001 | Engineering Physics lab | 2nd | 1st |
ECP- 001 | Basic Electronics Engineering Lab | 2nd | 1st |
EEP-001 | Basic Electrical Engineering Lab | 2nd | 1st |
MEP- 001 | Basic Mechanical Engineering Lab | 2nd | 1st |
CSP-001 | Programming for Problem Solving Lab | 2nd | 1st |
MEP- 003 | Workshop Practices Lab | 2nd | 1st |
MEP-002 | Engineering Graphics & Design Lab | 2nd | 1st |
AHP- 004 | Emerging Technologies in Engineering | 2nd | 1st |
AHP-003 | Introduction to Digital Marketing | 2nd | 1st |
AHP-005 | Self Employment and Entrepreneurship Development | 2nd | 1st |
CSP-002 | Computer Applications and IOT | 2nd | 1st |
AHT-004 | Environmental Studies | 2nd | 1st |
AHP- 006 | English Language Lab | 2nd | 1st |
Internship-I /Mini Project – 2 | 2nd | 1st |
- Chemistry Lab
- Physics Lab
- Language Lab
- Contacts
Institute of Technology Gopeshwar, Uttarakhand is an center for excellence academic in undergraduate (B.Tech.) technical education with the help of various discipline of engineering department, applied science and humanities. The chemistry section is running under the umbrella of department of applied science and humanities to impart systemize knowledge of chemistry to undergraduate engineering students. Moreover, in order to improve quality education of chemistry practical and chemical transformation, chemistry section has well established laboratory. The chemistry section has been engaged in improving the experimental skill of undergraduate engineering students through conducting various experiments. for instance, acid base titration, heat of neutralization, complexometric titration, analysis of water quality and analytical spectroscopic tools etc.
List of experiments
- Pre lab
- Determination of Dissolved Oxygen (D. O.) in the given water sample by Winkler method.
- To determine the alkalinity of given water sample.
- Determination of Iron content in an iron ore by titrating it against standard K2Cr2O7 solution using potassium ferricyanide [K3Fe(CN)6] as an external indicator.
5. To determine the chloride content in water sample by Mohr’s method.
6. To determine the percentage of available chlorine in the given sample of bleaching powder (Iodometrically).
7. To determine temporary and permanent hardness in given water sample using EDTA as standard solution (Coplexometric titration).
8. To determine the Heat of Neutralization of Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and Hydrochloric acid (HCl).
9. To study Spectral and analytical technique.
Chemistry Lab Facilities
Titration setup and glassware’s: All the experiment in the chemistry syllabus are related to titration only. Therefore, mostly the first year B.Tech student’s deals with titration experiments in order to find out the strength of given substance.
Volumetric flask: Different size volumetric Flask for making solutions
Glassware’s for Titration experiment:
Traditional Weighing balances:
Digital Weighing balances:
Hot air Oven for drying glasswares, heating mental and hot plates:
Melting point apparatus and P H Metery for the measurement of P H
Applied Physics is providing a sound science base for all engineering disciplines in their I and II semester. The courses are designed to serve the need for a particular branch of engineering. The department has well equipped labs for B.Tech. students where experiments are designed to broaden experimental skill related to various branches of engineering and technology. The experiments are based mainly upon Optics, Electrostatics and Electricity& Magnetism, Modern Physics and Solid State Physics which are the parts of theory syllabus.
List of experiments
- To measure the reflective index and dispersive power of the material of given prism using mercury light.
- To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light by Newton’s Ring apparatus.
- To study the resolving power telescope.
- To study the diffraction pattern of laser light by double slit and determine the wavelength of laser light (scanning method).
- Determine the frequency of A.C. mains with sonometer using non-magnetic wire.
- To study the characterstics of PN Junction diodes & Ge Junction diode
- To study the diffraction pattern of laser light by single slit and determine the wavelength of laser light (scanning method).
- Measurement value of Planck’s constant ‘h’ using photo electric effect and calculate h/e and to verify inverse square law radiation using photo electric cell.
- To study hall effect in semiconductors measure hall coefficient.
- Measurement of energy band gap of PN Juncton of semiconductor using Ge diode.
- Determine the wavelength of spectral line of mercury light using diffraction grating.
- To measure the wavelength of spectral line of mercury light using diffraction grating.
- To determine the numerical aperture of highly multimode fiber using far field technique.
- To measure the wavelength of lasser light using diffraction grating including laser diode.
- To determine the variation of magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying coil and then to estimate the radius of the coil.
- To determine the resistivity of semiconductors by four probe method at different temperature and determination of the band-gap.
- To determine the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using half shade polarimeter.
- To calculate the dielectric constant of a given dielectric material (solids and liquids).
- Measurement of length, diameter and inner and outer diameter given rod using vernier caliper, screw gauge and travelling microscope.
- To study copound pendulum (bar pendulum) and calculate’g.
- To determine ‘g’ and velocity for a free falling body using digital timing technique.
- Determination of spring constant using hook’s law.
- Measurement of e/m by Thomson method
The Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Institute of Technology Gopeshwar owns a dedicated full-fledged Language Laboratory for training the students in improving their communication skills. The laboratory is equipped with the state of the art technologies with the latest multimedia facilities. The language lab offers training in all the four aspects (listening, speaking, reading and writing) of communication skills. Further, the language lab provides a platform to the students to develop their leadership skills, collaborative skills, and presentation skills by conducting sessions on group discussion, oral presentation, role-playing, and public speaking activities time to time. Read more about language lab here.
Practice Focuses on Language Lab
- Interview
- Formal presentation
- Listening comprehension
- Pronunciation, intonation, rhythm
- Everyday dialogues in English
S. No. | Room No. | Name of Lab | Name of Lab OIC | Contact Details |
1. | B1-118 | Chemistry Lab | Dr. Vinay Kumar Pandey | Mob.No.-99626 04826 Email |
2. | B1-120 | Physics Lab | Mr. Shubham Dimri | Mob.No.-96908 73144 Email |
3. | B1-108 | Language Lab | Mr. Dinesh Panwar | Mob.No.-95687 95969 Email |
HOD & Faculty

Dr.Ajaib Singh
M.No.: 9050385472
PhD, IIT Indore
Designation: HoD,Assistant professor

Suraj Singh Chand
M.No.: 8171535694
Designation: Assistant Professor