
Course & Year


Minimum Qualification Criteria for Admission(As Prescribedby the AICTE)

Admission Procedure


Passed 10+2 Examination with Physics /Mathematics/Chemistry as Per  AICTE norms.

Obtained at least 45%Marks(40% Marks in case of candidate belonging to reserved Category)in the above Subjects taken together.


B.Tech -CSE(1 year)

4 years

Physics ,Mathematics any one from

UTU Councelling based on JEE Mains score.

B.Tech -ME(1 year)

4 years


UTU Councelling based on JEE Mains score.

B.Tech -EE(1 year)

4 years

Physics ,Mathematics any one from

UTU Councelling based on JEE Mains score.

B.Tech -EC(1 year)

4 years

Physics ,Mathematics any one from

UTU Councelling based on JEE Mains score.

B.Tech -CE(1 year)

4 years


UTU Councelling based on JEE Mains score.

BCA(1 year)

3 year

Passed 10+2 Examination with a minimum of 45%Marks(40% for reserved category) all streams.

UTU Councelling based.

B.Tech Lateral Entry(2 year)

3 year

Passed minimum THREE year /TWO year( Lateral Entry)Diploma Examination with at least 45%Marks (40%marks in case of candidates belonging to reserved category in Any branch of Engineering and technology.

UTU Councelling based on/ merit of Uttarakhand State Entrance Examination (UKSEE) conducted by Uttarakhand Technical University.