The Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme of Government of India (TEQIP)

The Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme aims to upscale and supports ongoing efforts of GOI to improve quality of technical education and enhance existing capacities of the institutions to become dynamic, demand-driven, quality conscious, efficient and forward-looking, responsive to rapid economic and technological developments occurring both at national and international levels.

The Project, Third phase of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (referred to as TEQIP-III) is fully integrated with the Twelfth Five-year Plan objectives for Technical Education as a key component for improving the quality of Engineering Education in existing institutions with a special consideration for Low Income States and Special Category States and support to strengthen few affiliated technical universities to improve their policy, academic and management practices.


 Project Objectives

  • Strengthen Institutions to produce high-quality engineers for better employability
  • Scale-up postgraduate education and demand-driven Research & Development and Innovation
  • Establish Centers of Excellence for focused applicable research
  • Train faculty for Effective Teaching
  • Enhance Institutional and System Management effectiveness.
  1. Mr. Vishwanath Bijalwan, TEQIP Coordinator 

  2. Mr. Pramod Benjwal, Nodal Officer, Finance

  3. Mr. Ombeer Saini, Nodal Officer, Procurement

  4. Mr. Sandeep Kandwal, Nodal Officer, Academics