- Surveying Lab
- Environmental Engineering Lab
- Structural Analysis Lab
- Building Material Lab
- Geology Lab
- Geotechnical Lab
- Transportation Lab
- Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines Lab
- CAD Lab
Lab Incharge :Mr. Manish Negi
The survey lab is used for surveying exercises and is equipped with all latest instrumentation viz levels, total stations, and GPS receivers sets for conducting ground surveying works.
theodolite, total station , auto level , plain tables , various types of campass and chain etc
List of Experiments
- Study of different types of topographical maps and to prepare conventional symbols chart.
- To measure bearings of a closed traverse by prismatic compass and to adjust the traverse by graphical method.
- To find out reduced levels of given points using dumpy/Auto level.
- To perform fly leveling with a Auto /tilting level.
- To study parts of a vernier / Electronic theodolite and practice for taking angle measurements.
- To measure vertical angle of given points by Electronic theodolite.
- To measure horizontal angle between two objects by repetition method with three repetitions.
- To measure horizontal angle by method of reiteration
- To determine the elevation of chimney top by trigonometrical levelling by taking observations in single vertical plane.
- To set out a simple circular curve by Rankine‟s method.
- To study various parts and practice with Wild T-2 micro-optic theodolite and EDM
Lab Incharge : Mr. Ashutosh Pipariya
The Environmental Engineering Laboratory is well equipped with apparatus and chemicals required for the quality analysis of water and for monitoring air quality.
List of Experiments
- Determination of colour, turbidity and conductivity
- Determination of pH , acidity and alkalinity
- Determination of hardness and chlorides
- Determination of residual chlorine and chlorine demand
- Determination of dissolved oxygen
- Measurement of air pollutants with high volume sampler
Lab Incharge : Mr. Arindam Sirkar
The Structural Analysis Lab facilitates in the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components. Results of the analysis are used to verify a structure’s fitness for use.
Equipments– various type of models of beams and arches , suspension bridge model testing etc
List of experiments
- Redundant Joint apparatus
- Elasticity coupled beam apparatus
- Deflection of truss apparatus
- Three hinged arch apparatus
- Beam model
- Two hinged arch apparatus
- Elastic properties of deflected beam apparatus
- Column apparatus
- Portal frame Apparatus
- Curved Member Apparatus
Lab Incharge :Mr. Amit Rawat
The Building Material Lab is equipped with experimental setup required for study of properties of various building materials.
Equipments – slump test , flow value test , compaction test , impact test, v cat apparatus etc
The list of experiment conducted in this lab are –
- Cement (Two turns only)
- Normal Consistency of cement.
- Initial & final setting time of cement
- Compressive strength of cement
- Fineness of cement by air permeability and Le-chatalier‟s apparatus.
- Soundness of cement.
- Tensile strength
II. Coarse Aggregate (Two turns only)
- Crushing value of aggregate
- Impact value of aggregate
- Water absorption of aggregate
- Sieve Analysis of Aggregate
- Specific gravity & bulk density
- Grading of aggregates.
III. Fine Aggregate: (one turn only)
- Sieve analysis of sand
- Silt content of sand
- Bulking of sand
The Geology lab is used for experiments related to crystallography and mineralogy. State-of-the-art facilities are also available for experiments on structural geology
Lab Incharge : Ms. Chetana
The soil lab provides academic and research services through performing all lab tests needed for analysis and study of soil characteristics and its properties.
Equipments – auterburg limits apparatus, direct shear test, standard proctor test , core cutter and sand replacement apparatus , etc
List of Experiments
- Sieve Analysis
- Hydrometer Analysis
- Liquid &Plastic Limit |Test
- Shrinkage Limit Test
- Proctor Compaction Test
- Relative Density
- In Situ Density-Core Cutter &Sand Replacement
- Permeability Test
- Direct Shear Test
- Specific gravity determination of coarse and fine grained soils
Lab Incharge– Mr. Nitin Chandra
Transportation lab consists of equipment used in the testing of bituminous materials such as viscosity, ductility and plasticity and other devices for testing of bitumen and aggregates. There are other devices for mix design Marshall Methods.
Equipments: marshall test apparatus, ring and ball apparatus, penetrometer abrasion testing machine flakiness and elongation test apparatus etc
List of Experiments
- Test of bitumen
- Specific gravity test of bitumen
- Ductility test of bitumen
- Flash point and fire point test of bitumen
- Float test of bitumen
- Penetration test of bitumen
- Softening test of bitumen
- Viscosity test of bitumen
- Test of Aggregate
- Abrasion test of aggregate
- Shape test (flakiness and elongation) of aggregate
- Impact value test of aggregate
- Specific gravity test of aggregate
- Compressive strength test of aggregate
For studying hydraulics and hydraulic Machines, one need to understand concepts, which can be easily taught and understood by proper laboratory dedicated to this subject. In our college we have enough numbers of experimental set up which will help students to strengthen their hydraulics’ concepts.
Lab Incharge : Mr. Manish Negi
In today’s era having knowledge of computer application is very necessary. Same is applicable in the field of civil engineering. Here they get hands on experience in AutoCAD. They will be taught 2D and 3D civil engineering drawings.